Tuesday, February 22, 2011

battery and servos

gmc servo
Windshield wiper motor out of a 1990s GMC topkick
LG prius
LG prius batteries

Monday, February 21, 2011

monday update

servo controller arrived
cut up a matching pair of purple barbie unicorn huffy bikes. behind is the 1:1 drawing of the foot print. 20" wheels with a 27" wheelbase, pretty close to a 4:3 ratio.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

influences - simon penny's petit mal

Petit Mal

Simon Penny's 1993 art robot that senses it environment while reacting to humans.

Lifting from his design, the hope is that a pack of intelligent rovers will be able to work together as a cloud based lifeform.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

parts list


- GMC windshield wiper motor ($9 each)
- LG prius gen I lead acid battery 7.2v 6.5 amp hrs ($6 each)
- arduino mega 2560 ($70)
- arduino uno 328 ($35)
- two xbee RPSMA 2.5 ($28 each)
- photocell ($1.5 each)
- cana kit motor driver dual h-bridge ($35)
- robert faludi's building wireless sensor networks, a practical guide to the zigbee mesh networking protocol