Using a reprap to make adult objects( aka things for sexy times)
MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2009 AT 10:41AM
Essentually every time that the reprap is brough up as a news story, at least one comment says "it'll soon be used for sex toys".
Yes....yes it will.
It's a simple fact the when it comes to technology, two things really can drive a new technologies development. Violence and sex.
Violence generally is an unpleasant thing by pretty much universal agreement, and frankly the reprap is about making the world a better place. Yes violence gave us better Radar,plenty of malaria meds,jets and nuclear power but we'd rather be avoiding that for the reprap, a sentiment that pretty much everyone agrees on in the reprap community.
And onto is truely an awesome thing. And people often like a little assistance for either when they're with another person(known by the technical term of "it's business time" or going solo. As long as it doesn't overtake the rest of your life, sex is just an awesome thing generally. And when it comes to assistance, it can sometime cost alot of money and time to find the thing that suits yourself (or your partner) perfectly. Something isn't quite long enough? That Bulge isn't is quite the right place? Just edit the original file and have another go. Thingiverse does not allow sex stuff on it (for a reason, probably so the site won't be thrown in with porn sites on filters)
Anyway, the current reprap is unable to directly make anything thats safe for use inside of a person (outside is another issue, but we won't get into that). So how can it be used. Quite simply in fact. Just print yourself a mould and fill it with the right type of rubber resin or medical grade silicon (there are plenty of website which describe this, source the actual material from them).
Anyway, onto the pictures, I haven't made it yet, but this is a proof of concept. You print two of these and then screw the two pieces together then fill into the open end. It's actually a very short piece, about 9cm long, mostly because I wanted to reduce warping and to make it makerbotable.
The stl file can be found here
Major factors in printing this is:
-Don't bother giving it a high fill, fill it to the minimum that will work and be done with it. I'm having a go at printing with .15 fill and seeing if this works.
-Make sure the whole thing is watertight. I recommend pulling back the speed of your print by 1-3mm because this will make the whole build much more watertight to keep either the silicon or rubber in it's place while it sets. Another method to ensure a solid watertight piece is to adjust your layer thickness. If the piece isn't watertight, try getting the piece and lowering the thickness by .01 or .02 mm. This will often show up as a much stronger bond.
-If you simply bolting 4 of these together you could make a much more reasonably sized piece, simply build a hole along it's long axis would work, though warping would effect it a bit.
-This design is only suitable for vaginal use(if used for that, see next point for my little legal disclaimer). It's base is not flared and thus would be easily lost if use anally
-I offer no guarentees or recomendations for the use of this file. If it's illegal to make or sell sex toys where you live (sadly this is true even in some modern countries) then I recomend you don't do it. Also This is legally a novelty item and for legal reasons I cannot recommend that they get used for their obvious use.
-Have lots of fun with this.
And cos I feel like saying it's business time!
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